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Corporate Tax Returns

Corporate tax returns can be a bit confusing, but we're here to help. If you're a C Corporation, you'll file on Form 1120. If you're an S Corporation, you'll file on Form 1120S. Both forms require your corporation's Profit and Loss Statement and balance sheet.

It's important to note that the due date for filing your corporate return may differ from the due date for filing your personal return. Be sure to check with the IRS and your state tax agency to find out when your Corporate return is due.

We know tax time can be stressful, but we're here to help.

The C Corporate due date is: 4/15 and the S Corporate date is 3/15.

If you're incorporated in more than one state, you'll need to file a separate tax return for each state. The good news is, we can help with that too. Just let us know where your corporation is incorporated and we'll take care of the rest.

The Difference between C corp and S Corp is that C corp is a regular corporation and S Corp is a small business corporation. A big difference between the two is that S Corp doesn't pay corporate taxes, while C Corp does.

If you need help with your corporate tax return, give us a call. We're here to help.

  • C Corporations:

    -File on Form 1120

    -Include Profit and Loss Statements

    -Include Balance Sheets

    -Due date is 4/15

  • S Corporations:

    -File on Form 1120S

    -Include Profit and Loss Statements

    -Include Balance Sheets

    -Due date is 3/15

  • Corporations in more than one state:

    -File a separate return for each state

    -Let us know where the corporation is incorporated

  • C Corporation vs S Corporation:

    C Corporation is a regular corporation while S Corporation is a small business corporation. A big difference between the two is that S Corp doesn't pay corporate taxes, while C Corp does.

  • Personal Tax Filings for the shareholders of C Corp & S Corp :

    The due date for filing your corporate return may differ from the due date for filing your personal return. Be sure to check with the IRS and your state tax agency to find out when your Corporate return is due.

If you're a shareholder in a C Corporation, you'll file your personal taxes on Form 1040. If you're a shareholder in an S Corporation, you'll also file your personal taxes on Form 1040. Shareholders of S Corporations must include a Schedule K-1 with their personal tax returns. The Schedule K-1 will show how much income, losses, and dividends you received from the corporation during the year.