Orange Coast Tax

Tax Filing Process

  • Step 1: Sign Letter Of Engagement & Access the Client Portal

  • Step 2: Fill out the Tax Organizer & provide your Tax Documents

  • Finalizing the Tax Return to be in Tax Filing Compliance!

Step 1: The Letter of Engagement

The First Step is to sign the Letter of Engagement with Orange Coast Tax. The Letter of Engagement authorizes us to begin the Tax Preparation services for you

Accessing the Client Portal

The Secure Client Portal is what we use to Collaborate on your tax filings. The features included are Document Sharing, Tax Organizers, E-Signing, Secure Chat & many other features.

Tax Organizer & Checklist

It’s a New Tax Year, and we need som eupdated infomration in what occured so that we can review how it impacts your taxes. We alos do not want to miss out on any tax credits or deductions. You can fill ou the Tax Organizer which is integrated through our secure client Portal

Step 04: Tax Documents

We would need to review your Source Documents, which include W2s, 1099-NEC, 1099 MISC, SSA- Statements, 1099-Rs & other Tax Year Documents which hold important information needed for your tax filings.

Step 05: Review of the Tax Return

Once we have your completed Organizer & Documents we will draft the initial Tax Return for your review. There might be additional documentation or information needed from you at this stage in order to finalize the tax return

Step 06: Finalization of The Tax Return

Once the Final Draft of the Tax Return is ready to submit it will be prepared for e-filing. We would need your signatures on the signature pages. Since this makes the final step, the billing & invoice is due to Orange Coast Tax, which will be presented for your review. The e-signatures & payment for services are integrated through our Secure Client Portal.